Submarine aircraft carriers is not a new concept, this project
was introduce from first world war .Japan is first country to use such machine
in war in full scale in second world war, but only few produce and after losing
the war this war machine use neglected by most of the countries due to limited
uses. As because there is small technical advancement so only one or two small
aircraft used from the submarine flying aircraft .In the modern time every
country want to use stealth aircraft carrier and if a big submarine ,which can
able to carry a good number of aircraft, than definitely this will increase the
power many times compare to their enemy.
Boeing proposed Submarine aircraft carrier
UK's Submarine aircraft carrier HMS E22 developed before second world war
Japanese I-400 developed in WW2
Most of the advance countries are aggressively working on
this project .Japanese I-400 class submarine and the French submarine Surcouf was
first produce submarine aircraft carrier.
Japnese aircraft use from Submarine aircraft carrier
Chinese model of proposed Submarine aircraft carrier
Chinese model of proposed Submarine aircraft carrier
This concept was first developed by German in first world .UK
also launch same project with HMS E22.In 1928, Italy cancel this project. Japanese
royal navy was extensively used this concept and developed 48 such aircraft
carrier submarine during Second World War.
UK also started this project on 1927 but on 1932 stopped
this project due to treaty with USA. USA also working in this concept from 1922
but US navy never use submarine flying aircraft.
There is no existing submarine aircraft carrier in world,
but several countries work on this concept secretly.Main reason to develop such
project is sudden surprise strikes on vulnerable targets.
The only big challenge is engineering related, because there
is no such aircraft available to work in this condition ,It is well known fact
that nuclear submarine gives second strike capability to any country .Nuclear
submarine enhance any country defense power many times, now think what happen
if a country has aircraft carrier submarine.
It is believe that Chinese are working in this project to
get naval supremacy in coming future .Their project name is Zheng he , it can
carry 40 aircraft ,5 helicopter and three awacs unmanned craft. This Chinese
machine is only in primary stage of development. There is no information about
USA but it is well known fact that Chinese are only a copy cat they are doing
any new invention based on already developed technology by other, like Chinese
J10 stealth fighter plane is copy of USA
F117. On the same basis I believe that Chinese model of Submarine
aircraft carrier is also a copy of US .That means USA has already secretly
develop such machine. Now the question arise who are the other countries able
to do that, answer is Russia, France and India. As this technology is new in
world so most of the country maintain secrecy to reveal this to world.